I found the responses to my last video on the Division of Elections interesting. The biggest surprise was how many people asked me to run for lieutenant governor, but Ranked Choice voting eliminated that race. It’s a flattering sentiment but it’s no longer a race, now it’s a nod from a candidate for governor.
I would like to address people who felt insulted or demeaned by my comment. I’m sorry for hurting you. Also, just a little, not sorry. My intention was not to disparage my conservative colleagues, but to address a contingent of you who are actually intentionally ignoring the definition of troglodyte, regarding blockchain technology. You hear global bitcoin, then you say “what is that, it’s just a bunch of ones and zeroes, it has NO VALUE”. and then you go buy your coffee with the same ones and zeros that have the same kind of value. Shared belief ONLY. Your dollar is inherently worthless, in case you didn’t know.
Many people stop learning as soon as someone gives them a catchphrase, or an epithet, that makes them feel like they understand things. This is called the illusion of knowledge. You just need a folder to put all the information in, and heaven help you if someone else calls your folder bad at first, or even scarier, good.
There are still humans running around with masks because in the beginning they let someone else label their mask folder with the word Good Science. A discipline originally born to better understand the wonders of creation. They should have (especially now) added the Junk book before the science, but alas…
It is much easier to deceive someone than to convince them that they have been deceived. If you think the entire crypto industry can be boiled down to one slogan or catchphrase, then YOU have been fooled. I won’t call you an idiot, but I will call you human. Listen to this ring of truth.
I’m not perfect and I should have found a better way to get people out of their calcified position rather than teasing and making fun of them. The best thing about being conservative is learning from each other… having differences of opinion that don’t end in cutting off friendships, in disinvitation to Thanksgiving dinner, but by reflection.
All that to say, I’ve also received a frightening amount of messages from honest conservatives who realized I was trying to wake them up to the fact that maybe they still have something to learn about the world. Many watch men and women sent texts and emails saying “guilty as charged, I can open a spark plug, I have a lot to learn…” and that was my one and only hope intention.
We can all agree that there are a hundred ways to do something wrong for every way to do it right. I’m not saying that everything labeled a blockchain solution is a panacea and the way to go. Especially when it comes to a state agency and Alaska’s eager club of political good ol’ boys. Some blockchains experience outages and other issues because they were built quickly and have glaring problems. Wyoming just decided to move forward with a blockchain stablecoin project that had more outages and issues than ANY OTHER major chain because it had endless pockets of venture capital shilling it for money. inside, behind closed doors, in an opaque process that violated state law…and there will be lawsuits because it was a corrupt process. This is mind-boggling, but you can never underestimate the power of human greed.
Other blockchains were built slowly and carefully and NEVER went missing, not even once, not even in a very sophisticated global IP attack. You publish a white paper and ask the community “this works, prove us wrong”. When no one can, then you implement. Some blockchains are incredibly robust, and others are just copies of Bitcoin or Ethereum, or built as a joke they would be memecoins, and millions of people buy these tokens like the 15th century Dutch buying tulips , Tulip Mania, because they were sure of it. , the number increases. Unfortunately, some people will make a fortune, enough that it will continue to attract a certain type of person who, by and large, will soon find them and their money parted. But I return with the joke. In fact, people who lose money on memecoins, I would call them fools, because you are literally investing via what the financial world calls the greater fool theory. So if this shoe works for you, so be it.
The world of cryptography is vast. Massive. Just like the world of money and finance is huge. You can trust a company like Oxford Gold a lot more than you can trust a payday lender who works at a pawn shop and hasn’t thrown out his ashtray since Obama was president, even though they’re both part of the world of money.
A solution to our voting system that is transparent and SECURE is essential, this is what is agreed. I’m not claiming that any project on any blockchain would be an improvement over counting all hands and every coin and every human involved being videotaped and publicly archived. The latter IS the stopgap we need for now until a proper solution has been carefully crafted, out in the open, in a very public process… which is a complete change from the way this state currently operates. In my opinion, you should be able to vote from anywhere, or even change your vote if you want. Until election night, know that it has been counted and on election night at 6 p.m., you know the results of the election.
We’ll get there one day, I just hope once Alaska can take the lead. Time is a waste of time.