The Swarm team is pleased to announce the immediate release of SWARM Customer V0.3, the third version of concept of concept (POC3) of the Ethereum Swarm client. The POC3 code is now merged into the official The master branch of the Go-Ethereum repository.
Swarm 0.3 was deployed on the public public test, and the Ethereum Foundation manages a high group of nodes of 50 knots with a public web bridge on We welcome everyone to Try it Or start using stable nodes.
Last year
It’s been a year and a half since the first outing of the POC2 series was deployed and The Swarm Project has launched its Alpha public network. Two Peakstwo Orange papers And Forty thousand lines of code Later, it’s time to take stock.
During the past year, the Swarm team has grown in size and is now on fire to offer vision. We were busy rethinking the network layer, rewrite the recovery protocol using an abstraction of flows, rewriting of connectivity management and the superposition network code as well as developing a sophisticated sophisticated Network simulation framework To test algorithmic accuracy, scalability and tolerance to defects in various subsystems. The POC3 code was finalized just in time for the Summit Swarm Orange in Ljubljanawhere we had 80 participants and a very inspiring and creative week (Watch this two -minute video hosted on swarm) talks and coding. It is inspiring to see an increasing number of contributors And companies that want to rely on swarm.
Swarm 0.3
The storage of swarm content is much more than “Bittorrent on steroids”. Technical details can be found in the Chapter on architecture in the new and improved Swarm guide. You will find a more in -depth academic presentation of Swarm components in the Orange papers or learn more about the swarm through the Registered conference conferences.
In a Previous blog arteWe have introduced the basics of swarm storage and content distribution.
Basically, Swarm is a service that provides APIs to download and download content on the cloud and via URL addressing offers Virtual Website Accommodation And decentralized applications (DAPP) without web lines, using a distributed infrastructure in Decentralized Peer-To-Peer. The vision is that of a new internet which is not only tolerant of the breakdowns, has no stop time and offers resistance to censorship, but is also economically autonomous due to an integrated incentive system. By compensating for the nodes for having contributed to their bandwidth and their disk space, these incentives aim to obtain a reliable recovery of the evolutionary recovery of popular content on the one hand and guarantee the persistence of important data but rarely accessible as archives or backups on the other hand. For smooth delivery, the swarm will use the exchange protocol (provided for POC3.1) while for storage guarantees, it will use a two -level insurance system (provided for POC4).
Beyond the basics of data storage and delivery, the POC 3 version includes new and experimental features.
The same P2P connections which are used for the storage and delivery of data can also be used for node node messaging. PSS combines swarm routing (bzz) with the murmur (shh) encrypted message format (bzz+shh=Pss). In short, Pss is a messaging protocol with solid privacy functionalities operating on the Swarm network. This messaging infrastructure can be the foundation of a brand new communication system between maintaits (e-mail, tweet, newsletter of the future), therefore, can be called Postal service on swarm.
The PSS is entirely featured but experimental on the new POC3 network and Dapps can interact with it using a JSON RPC API. We collaborate in close collaboration with companies and projects wishing to use the PS to build a second layer infrastructure. Central unit Built a loose-alternative collaborative group communication tool (Onyx) and their web3 SDK, and Status expressed their interest in developing it in their mobile cat.
Another new experimental feature in POC3 is the Swarm mutable resource. Typical in P2P storage systems, the content is processed by its digital digital imprint (hash) and any modification of the content leads to a change in this address. However, web users are used to mutable resources: when visiting the URL, we expect to see the most up -to -date version of the “site”. In order to facilitate access to the modification of the content to the permanent addresses readable by humans, Swarm fits into the name Ethereum service (ENS) On the Ethereum blockchain. This is what allows us to reference the content of the swarm by names like Bzz: //theswarm.eth.
Swarm POC3 adds another layer in the form of Updates of mutable resources (MRU). These allow out-of-chain updates of the content associated with an address at a potentially faster pace than the ENS updates on the blockchain could support and without incurring the cost of chain transactions.
MRU is an experimental characteristic in the current POC3 test test and always undergoes changes.
FUSE Allows users to integrate swarm data directly into their local file systems (only on Linux and Mac). Using this system, users can “mount a swarm manifesto” as if it were a regular repertoire. It supports the reading and writing operations of the file system, in which all the content is automatically synchronized with the swarm. In the future, by combining fuse with mutable swarm resources, it should be possible, for example, to synchronize your entire reception file between devices – the backend with decentralized storage with a feature type Dropbox.
Swarm 0.3 comes with encryption allowing secure downloads of private data. The way encryption works users can download a private repertoire and always “share” a sub-directory with specific peers.
The access control trees (Swarm 0.3.2) will offer users to manage access to content regardless of its publication. Access access will operate between the versions of resources.
The coming year
The coming year will be both exciting and stimulating. As part of the POC3 series, we plan to activate a revised exchange accounting system (Swarm 0.3.1) and activate the nodes of “light” swarms (Swarm 0.3.2). Implementation of erasure coding, proof of custody, insurance is also on the roadmap. We are on the target delivering Swarm POC4 (Production Beta Prerelease) in 2019.
We continue to build a community with our allies who defend the values of web3 and actively collaborate through working groups, by building the fundamental infrastructure, the backbone of second layer services such as databases (, Management of private data (, rights and licenses of creative works (, Decentralized version control (Ethergit,, video transcoding and streaming service (, communication and collaboration ( And The list increases.
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