Kun, a world leader in digital payment services, recently concluded an important series of several million dollars seed financing led by Bai Capital, with the participation of other strategic investors such as GSR Ventures and Hash Global. This financing aims to improve the executives of compliance and risk management of the company, as well as to develop its global operational networks and partnerships. Operating through Asia, Latin America and Africa, Kun focuses on the supply of digital web2 and web3 payment solutions for cross -border customers and high content customers. By integrating Stablecoin and Blockchain technologies, Kun aims to optimize world capital flows and offer an effective and secure alternative to traditional systems like SWIFT. These developments underline the continuous evolution and growth of the digital payment sector, reflecting a broader trend in the integration of cryptocurrency and blockchain in global financial operations.
Elsewhere on the market, Emirates Islamic Bank PJSC Firmly exchanged 14.6% and finished the session at AED11.35. In the meantime, Westpac Bank Sewn, down 4.1% to close at $ 33.30. Three days ago, Westpac appointed Fiona Wild as Director of Sustainability, under CEO Anthony Miller.
Westpac is facing challenges of compressed margins and the increase in technological expenditure with an impact on growth. Click to explore the full story of Westpac’s strategic approach and market positioning.
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