“I never want things to be boring” said Pavel Durov, and neither do we. Although the recent headlines about him may not match what he had in mind, Bright is ensuring that the financial future of his (hypothetical) children and the broader crypto community remains as exciting as possible. We are excited to announce that we will be listing the Povel Durev (DUREV) coin on our app, further expanding the possibilities for crypto enthusiasts.
The DUREV currency, inspired by Durov through a meme-based approach, will soon be available for trading on the Brighty platform. By adding this currency to our app, we are giving our users the opportunity to invest in a currency that matches the innovative and bold spirit that Durov embodies.
As part of our playful communication operation, we also created a digital card with Durov’s iconic quote: “I never want things to be boring”. But that’s not all. We offer a unique financial opportunity to Durov’s potential future children. Imagine a starting financial portfolio of €1,000, managed by AI, that could grow to a whopping €54,511 by the age of 18, with an expected annual return of 25%. Now that’s a promising future!
Here’s what you need:
Step 1: Take this joke seriously.
Step 2: Prove the relationship with Durov. Clinic documentation, donor agreements and other relevant documents can be provided in advance.
For those intrigued by the $durev coin, its listing on Brighty opens up new avenues of engagement with the principles Povel Durev stands for. Stay tuned for more updates on the listing and how you can get involved.
For more information on how to secure your child’s financial future (if you are related to Durov) or to learn more about the Povel Durev (DUREV) coin, contact us directly. Or better yet, Download the Brighty app.
Because in the world of crypto, why should anything be boring?
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Telegram: https://t.me/brightyapp
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